Full-stack application facilitating bill-splitting and payment tracking
This application allows users to effortlessly split bills and track shared expenditures, promoting transparency, fairness, and convenience in all your financial transactions.
Full-stack application that allows users to read and create reviews for cosmetic products
This application empowers users to read, create, edit, and delete reviews for cosmetic products. By checking reviews before making a purchase, users can make more informed and intelligent buying decisions.
To Do App
Full-stack application that helps users manage their tasks efficiently
A simple yet powerful To Do App that helps you manage your tasks efficiently. Add, edit, and remove tasks with ease, and track their status (active or complete). Keep an eye on your task count, and get more organized.
Quiz App
Front-end application that enables users to test their knowledge
This application provides a delightful and engaging method to test your knowledge, boasting a user-friendly interface that makes learning enjoyable